Legal information
Parameters of the internet service
- Internet tariff ”100 Mbit/s”: download speed (download) from 60 Mbps up to 100 Mbps, upload speed (upload) of 60 Mbps up to 100 Mbps. Minimum guaranteed internet speed up to the Internet traffic exchange point of Latvia – 60 Mbps.
- Internet tariff “300 Mbit/s”: download speed (download) from 180 Mbps up to 300 Mbps, upload speed (upload) of 180 Mbps up to 300 Mbps. Minimum guaranteed internet speed up to the Internet traffic exchange point of Latvia – 180 Mbps.
- Internet tariff “600 Mbit/s”: download speed (download) from 360 Mbps up to 600 Mbps, upload speed (upload) of 360 Mbps up to 600 Mbps. Minimum guaranteed internet speed up to the Internet traffic exchange point of Latvia – 360 Mbps.
- Internet tariff “1000 Mbit/s”: download speed (download) from 600 Mbps up to 1000 Mbps, upload speed (upload) of 600 Mbps up to 100 Mbps. Minimum guaranteed internet speed up to the Internet traffic exchange point of Latvia – 600 Mbps.
- Radio link internet: download speed (download) from 5 Mbps up to 10 Mbps, upload speed (upload) 1 Mbps. Minimum guaranteed internet speed up to the Internet traffic exchange point of Latvia – 5 Mbps.
- Other tariff: pursuant to separate agreement with the Consumer.
Parameters of the television service
- Analog television — 19 TV channels (a list of telechannels may be viewed here)
- Analog television — 46 TV channels (a list of telechannels may be viewed here)
- Interactive television — 13, 19, 38, 120 TV channels (a list of telechannels may be viewed here)
- Digital television — 105 TV channels (a list of telechannels may be viewed here)
Parameters of the television service quality
The minimum image quality of the analogous or digital television programmes transmission is good (4 grades – disorder and distortions are visible, but do not hinder).
Parameters of the telephony service
- Minimum speech transmission quality value 1 (ITU-T P.862).
- Local and international telephony tariffs are specified here.
- Parameters of the public phone connection points can be viewed here.
Procedure for application and elimination of damages
- You may apply the damage at any time of the day-and-night by calling to the phone number +371 29333333 or writing to the e-mail
- Period for elimination of damages of the service, starting as of the moment of receipt of the application on the damage until the moment of elimination of the damage is 108 (one hundred and eight) hours.
Validity Period of the Agreement
Three types of the validity period of the agreement are offered:
- Open-ended Agreement – the Agreement is concluded without any specific validity period; it is possible to terminate such Agreement at any time by warning the Operator in writing 30 (thirty) days in advance without any contractual penalty, paying for the actually received/ provided services;
- Agreement for 24 months – the Agreement is concluded for the particular minimum period of time – 24 months. When entering into this Agreement, the Operator shall undertake to offer the Consumer more beneficial conditions than it is offered, for example, for the unlimited Agreement. In accordance with this Agreement, the Consumer shall use the service for 24 months, but in the case if the Consumer wants to terminate the Agreement before expiry of the minimum validity period, the Consumer shall compensate to the Operator for losses. Amount of losses and calculation formula is available in the section “Termination of the Agreement”;
- Agreement for 12 months – the Agreement is concluded for the particular minimum period of time – 12 months. When entering into this Agreement, the Operator shall undertake to offer to the Consumer more beneficial conditions than it is offered, for example, for the unlimited Agreement, but the conditions shall not be less beneficial than in the Agreement for 24 months. In accordance with this Agreement, the Consumer shall use the service for 12 months, but in the case if the Consumer wants to terminate the Agreement before expiry of the minimum validity period, the Consumer shall compensate to the Operator for losses. Amount of losses and calculation formula is available in the section “Termination of the Agreement”;
- After expiry of the minimum validity period of the Agreement it shall not be terminated, but shall become as an Agreement, which is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Please, take into account that the tariff of the service for an indefinite period of time shall differ from the tariff, which is applied for the Agreement for 24 months.
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- Tarifu cenas:
- Tehniskās nodaļas meistara izsaukuma cena 20eur/h (ja tehniskais bojājums nav Balticom vainas dēļ).
Piedāvājumi galalietotājiem ar invaliditāti vai ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem
- Uz doto mirkli atsevišķi piedāvājumi netiek piešķirti.
Possible additional expenses
When entering into the Agreement with the Operator, the Consumer shall consider additional expenses, which may be calculated in the following cases:
- In case if you agree on the call of the technical specialist and were not available at the address, where the call was made to, at the agreed time, as a result of which the specialist did not have access to the room with you equipments and it was not possible to perform the applied work, an invoice will be issued to you in the amount of EUR 10 for call.
Postal services for delivery of invoices through postal office.
- Expenses for preparation and delivery of invoices for TV service – EUR 1.21 per 1 invoice
- Expenses for preparation and delivery of invoices for the television and telephony package service – EUR 1.50 for 1 invoice
- Expenses for preparation and delivery of invoices for telephony service – EUR 1.50 per 1 invoice
- Expenses for preparation and delivery of invoices for the internet service or internet and television package service – EUR 1.50 per 1 invoice
This price shall be applied only in cases, when the Consumer selects to receive the invoice via mail. The Consumer has a possibility to receive invoice free of charge via e-mail;
- In case of ordering the standard service the connection of the service shall be free of charge, connecting 2 internet access points and 2 TV sets, as well as including setting of related devices.
- Additional equipment shall be required for digital television reception, which may be leased (EUR 1.50 EUR per month) or purchased (EUR 62.50) from A/S Balticom, but it shall be required only in the case, if the TV set does not have built-in decoder;
- Additional equipment shall be required for interactive television reception, which may be leased (EUR 2.00 per month) or purchased (EUR 75.00) from A/S Balticom. In case of purchase it is possible to distribute the payment into 6 months;
- For reception of digital television thematic packages it is necessary to purchase digital television basic package and additional equipment, which may be leased (EUR 1.50 per month) or purchased (decoder – EUR 62.50 or CA module – EUR 35.00).
Right of withdrawal
- You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days, without specifying the reason. The period of the right of withdrawal shall expire after 14 days, starting as of the day of entering into the Agreement. In order to use the right of withdrawal, you shall inform the Operator with a clear notification (for example, by a letter sent via mail, fax or e-mail) regarding the decision to withdraw from this Agreement. You may use the enclosed sample of the withdrawal form (here) but it is not mandatory. In order to comply with the term for the right of withdrawal, it will be sufficient if you will send a notice on the use of the right of withdrawal before expiry of the right of withdrawal.
- If you will waive from this Agreement, we will pay you back all payments received from you, including the shipment costs (except for additional costs, arising due to the fact that you have selected the shipment type, which is not the cheapest standard type of shipment offered by us), without undue delay and in any case not later than within 14 days from the day, when we have been informed on your decision to waive from this agreement. Repayment will be made by using the same payment type you used for the initial transaction, unless you have clearly expressed consent to do otherwise. In any case no fee will be charged from you in relation to such repayment.
Rights of the consumer if the quality of the provided service fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement
You have the right to immediately waive from services of the Operator without application of a contractual penalty in the case if it is reasonably established that the quality of the service fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Procedure for submission, review and providing a reply to complaints and submissions
- The Consumer shall prepare any kind of complaint/claim and submissions regarding termination of the Agreement in writing and shall sign with a safe electronic signature or handwritten signature, and the original thereof shall be submitted to the Operator.
- Complaints shall be reviewed within twenty working days and the Subscriber shall be notified on the decision.
- The subscriber shall have the right to submit a complaint regarding correctness of the invoice within 3 (three) months after the issue of the invoice.
- In case if the parties are not able to settle the arising dispute in the form of correspondence or discussions, it shall be settled in accordance with the procedure determined in regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.
- Ja Abonents nav apmierināts ar Operatora sniegto atbildi vai Operators nav sniegusi klientam atbildi un sūdzība attiecas uz regulējamu elektronisko sakaru pakalpojumu, klients ir tiesīgs vērsties Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisijā ( un/ vai Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centrā ( strīda turpmākai atrisināšanai ar tādu pašu iesniegumu un/vai sūdzību, pievienojot Operatora atbildi, ja tāda tika sniegta.
- Atbilstoši 2013.gada 21.maija Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas Nr. 524/2013 “Par patērētāju strīdu izšķiršanu tiešsaitē” un ar ko groza Regulu (EK) Nr. 2006/2004 un Direktīvu 2009/22/EK (turpmāk — Regula) 14. punktam, aicinām Operatora Abonentus strīdu risināšanai izmantot zemāk minēto elektronisko saiti uz strīdu risināšanas tiešsaites platformu.
Procedure for termination of the Agreement and withdrawal from additional services of the Operator
Each of the Parties shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by informing the other Party on that in writing 30 (thirty) days in advance.
In case if the Subscriber terminates the 12 months or 24 months Agreement before expiry of the minimum validity period of the Agreement or switches to another tariff during the minimum validity period, or the Operator disconnects the Subscriber from its network in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Subscriber shall have an obligation to pay to the Operator for compensation of losses in relation to performance of connection and disconnection of the Subscriber. The amount of it shall be calculated according to the following formula: - In case if you want to withdraw from the additional service provided by the Operator (invoice via mail, thematic television package etc.), you have a possibility to conveniently do it by sending to the e-mail 30 days before the day of disconnection. Disconnection of additional services shall be performed without any contractual penalties.
You may contact with the Operator:
- Via phone: 29333333
- Via fax: 67248335
- Via e-mail::
- Via mail: Straupes iela 5/k-3, Riga, Latvia, LV-1073
- In presence at the office of the Operator: Straupes iela 5/k-3, Riga, Latvia, LV-1073 (2nd floor, service centre).
Conditions for ordering of the service, connection of the service and conclusion of the Agreement
- Before connection of the service, please, become acquainted with the enclosed draft agreement (here).
- The consumer has a possibility to make changes in the proposed draft agreement, sending them to the e-mail of the Operator or calling to the phone +371 29333333.
- After making an order, discussion of the Agreement and establishment of all important conditions, the technician of the Operator will visit the Consumer at the agreed time in order to connect the service and submit an agreement to the Consumer for signing.
- The service shall be connected within 3 (three) working days from the day of receipt of the Consumer's order; the time period of connection of the service may also be different on the basis of separate agreement with the Consumer.
Balticom ITV+
- Balticom ITV+ ir interneta vidē bāzēts pakalpojums, kuru var izmantot uz Lietotāja ierīces (televizors, telefons, planšetdators), kas pieslēgta pie jebkura Operatora interneta tīkla. Pakalpojuma izmantošanai ir nepieciešams ielādēt uz Lietotāja ierīci speciālu aplikāciju no Google Play vai App Store (pagaidām nav pieejams). Pakalpojums nodrošina iespēju skatīties TV seriālus, filmas, sporta pārraides, lineārās TV kanālus, sporta pasākumu tiešraides un ierakstus, un citu saturu dažādās kanālu pakās, video formātā.
- Jūs varat piekļūt Balticom ITV + pakalpojumam šādā veidā: Piezvanot uz AS Balticom pa tel. +37129333333 kā arī atstājot pieteikumu Balticom klientu portālā.
Balticom ITV + aktivizēšana un galvenās prasības:
- Pēc Pakalpojuma lietošanas līguma noslēgšanas uz Jūsu reģistrētiem datiem tiks nosūtīta informācija par piekļuves iespējām, lai uzsāktu pakalpojumu lietošanu.
- Gadījumā ja lietotājs reģistrācijas laikā neievadīs savus maksājumu datus pakalpojums netiks pieslēgts.
- Ielādējot uz Lietotāja ierīces speciālo Balticom ITV+ aplikāciju no Google Play vai App Store (pagaidām nav pieejams) un tālāk sekojot instrukcijām.
- Ja jebkuru iemeslu dēļ Lietotājam nav iespējas ielādēt aplikāciju televizorā, tad Pakalpojuma izmantošanai televizorā būs nepieciešama speciāla ierīce (turpmāk – Aprīkojums), kuru var nopirkt (EUR 75.00 ieskaitot PVN) pie Operatora.
- Lai izmantotu Pakalpojumu, Jums jābūt vismaz 18 gadus vecam.
- Lai reģistrētu kontu jābūt Latvijas (“Reģions”) iedzīvotājam.
- Minimālais Interneta ātrums no 5 – 10 Mbit/s katrai ierīcei, ieteicamais interneta ātrums 50 Mbit/s katrai ierīcei
- Jums ir tiesības reģistrēties un lietot Pakalpojumu ne vairāk kā sešas (6) ierīcēs, kas atbalsta Balticom ITV+ pakalpojumu
Balticom ITV+ atbalstīto platformu aktuālais saraksts:
- Samsung - Samsung Tizen (2017. gada un jaunāki modeļi)
- Sony, Philips, TCL u.c. - Android 5.1 vai jaunāka versija
- Smart TV konsoles - Android 5.1 vai jaunāka versija
- Telefoni un planšetdatori - Android 6.0 vai jaunāka versija
- iPad, iPhone - iOS 9.1 vai jaunāka versija
Papildus informācija:
- Abonēšanas maksa par visu Abonēšanas periodu (1 mēnesis) tiek maksāta kā priekšapmaksa un tiek ieturēta no Jūsu norādītās kredītkartes vai debetkartes vai izmantojot citu iepriekš saskaņoto norēķinu kārtību.
- Ja Jūs esat ar Mums noslēguši līgumu, Jums ir tiesības četrpadsmit (14) kalendāro dienu laikā atteikties no Pakalpojuma un saņemt pilnu atmaksu.
- Lai izbeigtu izvēlēto abonēšanu, dodieties Balticom klientu portālā - pakalpojuma izbeigšana.
- Jūsu ierosinātā abonēšanas izbeigšana stājas spēkā pēc izvēlētā Abonēšanas perioda beigām (bet ne vēlāk kā trīs (3) darba dienas pirms Abonēšanas perioda beigām), kurā Jūs informējāt Mūs par vēlmi pārtraukt abonēšanu
- Gadījumā, ja Jūs esat paziņojis par atkāpšanos no Līguma, no Jums tiks ieturēta pilna samaksa par tekošo mēnesi, ja Pakalpojums Jums bija pieejams attiecīgajā mēnesī pirms paziņojuma, par Līguma izbeigšanu, iesniegšanas, ievērojot, ka mēs nodrošinām digitāla satura Pakalpojumu.
- Pirms Balticom ITV+ pakalpojuma pieslēgšanas, lūdzam iepazīties ar pilniem Balticom ITV+ lietošanas noteikumiem (šeit)
“Zelta klients”
- Termins “Zelta klients” ir īpašs klienta lojalitātes statuss ar dažādām privilēģijām. Operators, ņemot vērā klienta lojalitāti (sadarbības ilgumu, maksāšanas disciplīnu) var piešķirt esošajam klientam statusu “Zelta klients”. Par “Zelta klienta” statusa iegūšanu, klients tiek informēts izmantojot elektroniskos sakaru līdzekļus un Abonenta kontaktus, kas norādīti līgumā.
Iegūstot šo statusu, klientam ir iespēja saņemt sekojošas privilēģijas:
- Viena, tehniskās nodaļas speciālista, bezmaksas vizīte gadā;
- Bezmaksas īslaicīga pakalpojumu atslēgšana uz 1 mēnesi gadā;
- 10 eiro atlaide pakalpojumiem gadījumā, ja Abonents apmaksā pakalpojumus avansā par 11 mēnešiem;
- Speciāli piedāvājumi no Operatora sadarbības partneriem, kas aplūkojumi (šeit).
- Operators ir tiesīgs vienpusēji anulēt Abonenta Zelta klienta statusu gadījumā, ja Abonents pārkāpj līgumu, paziņojot par to izmantojot elektroniskos sakaru līdzekļus un Abonenta kontaktus, kas norādīti līgumā.
Other important information
- All prices are specified including VAT (21%).
- The Operator shall have the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of the agreement by warning the Consumer 30 days before the amendments coming into force. In case of the Consumer is not satisfied with amendments, the Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement within 30 days after receipt of the information.
Information about the hosting
As of 01 January 2015 A/S Balticom shall determine new terms and conditions for use of free hosting – robots.txt file shall be mandatory attached to all sub-domains that the user will not be able to change.